Workshops from the Heart

Written by Lucía Dávila, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Aristotle once said, “The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.” He
would have been pleased by the gathering of teachers in Guatemala that sought
to harness such power.

Teachers2Teachers–International brought together approximately 350 teachers in Guatemala City and
Antigua, each with different traditions, knowledge, and experience. They reflected on what it means to teach and learn mathematics according to the framework provided by the U.S. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. In addition, they had opportunities to discuss key issues such as student
engagement and classroom management techniques.

Despite their different cultural backgrounds, one common theme was a teacher’s duty to provide
help to colleagues while respecting varied opinions and being open to hearing other
points of view. In other words, their focus was on what they can use to benefit
their students.

At T2T-I, we are grateful for the opportunity to become acquainted with so many wonderful
teachers. Without a doubt, it was an experience that will forever be in our hearts.  It was truly a privilege!

Click here to learn more about this amazing experience: Common Hope, Colegio Agustiniano, General Workshop and Keynote Speech.


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