In the icy Arctic, humans learn to adapt to life among powerful polar bears.

The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest and most biodiverse region.

With gunpowder required to play, the national sport of Colombia explodes in fun.

A military ritual happens daily on the border between Pakistan and India.

A large number of classic cars from the US shows the resourcefulness of Cubans.

Climate change has forced land reclamation projects that harm marine ecosystems.

Massive wildlife migrations in the Serengeti are closely studied by scientists.

Goats climb trees in search of Argan fruit. The leftovers become profitable oil.

Australia has built cross-country fences to control overpopulation of rabbits.

The magical ruins of a countryside church suggest it has a mysterious past.

Families grow plenty of food for themselves and their neighbors in home gardens.

Reindeer pull skiers in races that provide cool entertainment during the winter.

A marriage tradition on this island is a gift of antique elephant tusks.

An ancient Roman aqueduct transported water to this town. Now it brings history.

A combination of french fries, cheese curds, and gravy creates a delicious dish.

The Iditarod is an epic competition where teams of dogs race across icy terrain.

Breaking up large ships for recycling and resale is a dangerous job for workers.

The world's tallest building has much more to recommend it than just height.

Going on a picnic with your friends turns into an adventure when tigers show up.

Kwezage’win is a ceremonial Native American dice game played by women.

A town in Japan transformed its rice fields into large-scale artistic canvases.

All those shards of clay in the street come from people drinking their chai.

Curling is popular both as a winter sport on ice and as a social occasion.

The Kombai build their homes high up in the trees, many feet off of the ground.