Social Justice Questions

Mexico | Xochimilco

Mexico's Floating Gardens testify to the resourcefulness of farmers in the past.

Mexico | Cholula

The ancient temple in Cholula is the largest pyramid by volume in the world.

El Salvador | Joya de Cerén

Joya de Cerén offers a window into the daily life of a Maya farming community.

Mexico | Teotihuacan

The ancient city of Teotihuacan exemplified ingenious urban engineering.

Norway | Svalbard

In the icy Arctic, humans learn to adapt to life among powerful polar bears.

Mexico | Chichén Itzá

Mexico's Chichén Itzá ruins showcase ancient Maya architecture and culture.

Colombia | Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest and most biodiverse region.

Colombia | Coffee

The origins of Colombian coffee are a mystery, but the world enjoys its taste.

Colombia | Sombreros Vueltiaos

The hat called a sombrero vueltiao is an important symbol of Colombian culture.

Colombia | Emeralds

Emeralds mined in Colombia's mountains adorn the world with costly radiance.

Colombia | Cartagena

Palenqueras are evidence of a culture that has thrived despite the odds.

Pakistan | Wagah Border Post

A military ritual happens daily on the border between Pakistan and India.

Argentina | Nordelta

For a wealthy suburb, the capybara population presents perrplexing problems.

United States | New York

The orderly layout of New York City's streets makes getting around easy.


A large number of classic cars from the US shows the resourcefulness of Cubans.

United States | NC | Chapel Hill

Jump rope is a competitive sport whose variety of forms take practice to master.

Italy | Venice

Standing on millions of tree trunks, the city faces threats to its existence.


Climate change has forced land reclamation projects that harm marine ecosystems.


Along with fishing and farming, the Luo culture values marriage and family.


Everyone joins together one Saturday per month to do community service projects.


Goats climb trees in search of Argan fruit. The leftovers become profitable oil.


One of the world's longest trains carries ore across the desert to the coast.


A national park invites hikers to enjoy its scenery and explore its cave.

Costa Rica | Ujarrás

The magical ruins of a countryside church suggest it has a mysterious past.