
Mexico | Xochimilco

Mexico's Floating Gardens testify to the resourcefulness of farmers in the past.

Mexico | Cholula

The ancient temple in Cholula is the largest pyramid by volume in the world.

El Salvador | Joya de Cerén

Joya de Cerén offers a window into the daily life of a Maya farming community.

Guatemala | Retalhuleu

In Guatemala, children delight in rubber balls that blend play with tradition.

United States | Montana

Stick Game is a lively Native American contest of chance that honors tradition.

Mexico | Teotihuacan

The ancient city of Teotihuacan exemplified ingenious urban engineering.

Norway | Svalbard

In the icy Arctic, humans learn to adapt to life among powerful polar bears.

Mexico | Chichén Itzá

Mexico's Chichén Itzá ruins showcase ancient Maya architecture and culture.

France | Paris

The Eiffel Tower is a national icon as well as a masterpiece of engineering.

Colombia | Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest and most biodiverse region.

Colombia | Coffee

The origins of Colombian coffee are a mystery, but the world enjoys its taste.

Colombia | Sombreros Vueltiaos

The hat called a sombrero vueltiao is an important symbol of Colombian culture.

Colombia | Emeralds

Emeralds mined in Colombia's mountains adorn the world with costly radiance.

Colombia | Cartagena

Palenqueras are evidence of a culture that has thrived despite the odds.

Colombia | Turmequé

With gunpowder required to play, the national sport of Colombia explodes in fun.

Pakistan | Wagah Border Post

A military ritual happens daily on the border between Pakistan and India.

Argentina | Nordelta

For a wealthy suburb, the capybara population presents perrplexing problems.

United States | New York

The orderly layout of New York City's streets makes getting around easy.


A large number of classic cars from the US shows the resourcefulness of Cubans.

United States | NC | Chapel Hill

Jump rope is a competitive sport whose variety of forms take practice to master.

Italy | Venice

Standing on millions of tree trunks, the city faces threats to its existence.


Climate change has forced land reclamation projects that harm marine ecosystems.

United States | Colorado


Along with fishing and farming, the Luo culture values marriage and family.